Handmade Business subscribers are now technically Sunshine Artist subscribers, and your Handmade Business magazine is now delivered inside of Sunshine Artist. Learn more here.
Magazine Editorial Commentary
Change is necessary for growth. Though it can be painful, change provides opportunity. As we know businesses flourish when given new opportunities.
When you get over the initial shock of not receiving your monthly copy of Handmade Business but Sunshine Artist instead, you will open it and realize that it really isn’t all that different. Together both magazines have grown to a point where readers of each publication can find value in the other as well. Now readers are getting substantially more information and all in one place.
If you have chosen to just open up to the Handmade Business section, I urge you to peruse the rest of the magazine. You may be surprised by how relevant the information is to you.
Melissa Jones
Read the rest of the editorial in the December 2019 issue of Sunshine Artist.
Handmade Business Subscribers FAQ
How do I read back issues of Handmade Business?
Copy your Customer Number (it’s on your mailing label, and we also emailed it to you) and click on LOGIN top right of this website. If you’ve never done this before, click LOGIN, then look for First-Time Registration on the right side of the LOGIN page.
Can I also read back issues of Sunshine Artist and see its online shows database?
Yes! Simply log into the Sunshine Artist page. Copy your Customer Number, visit http://sunshineartist.com/ and look for LOGIN top right.
Are the website logins separate?
Yes, for now, you will want to create logins for both websites to access your subscriber benefits from both brands.